Monday, October 27, 2008

Three Secrets Just For You

So I'll let you in a on a few secrets about finding the right university for you and what the Mount's really all about. I have been working at the Mount for almost five years and am also an alumni so I've got some cred behind me in discovering these secrets. But I'll share them with you because I wish I had known them myself.

Secret Number One

Every university's viewbook makes it look like the best school to go to. They all have pretty pictures, and everyone is having fun, and the information is all there. Same with the websites. And posters, and advertisements, you get it. But the ONLY real way to find out if a school is right for you is to visit it. Seriously. You have to get on campus and walk around and do some serious visualization. Play pretend for a day. You don't have to tell anyone you're doing it - just pretend you're a Mount student when you're at our Open Campus Day on Friday. Pretend you live in Assisi or The Birches and walk around like you own the place. If it feels right, then you're one step closer to finding that fit that is right for you.

Secret Number Two

We have candy at our Open Campus Day on Friday. Yep. It's on Halloween this year so that means we get to dress up and give away candy. In fact our tour is really Trick or Treating so make sure you don't miss that. You also get to sit in on mini lectures to see what our profs are like and what the programs are all about, along with an information fair and a few surprises we'll keep under our hat until you get here (can't give away all the secrets!!). We also have some pretty great prizes so when you leave you will not only have a much better idea of what the Mount's all about, but you will also have candy and maybe a prize. Not too shabby.

Secret Number Three

Okay, so our slogan this year is "Independent Thinking Lives Here". What does that mean? That means that our school is the place that the people who don't just do what everyone else is doing go to. If you are the type of person who lets their true colours show (or just wish you could), the Mount is the place that will let you do that. And it's not just a "slogan", it was created by current and past students, staff, and faculty who thought long and hard about what the Mount is all about and realized this is it. This is a truly special school unlike no other - just ask any student who goes here or has gone here. There will be lots of them at Open Campus Day on Friday to talk to and will be happy to tell you their stories.

So what do you need to do now? Register for Open Campus Day at this link: - do it now so we buy enough candy for everyone!!

See you then!


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